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Employee Benefits
Limits high employee turnover with our friendly brokers

What are Employee Benefits ?
Employee benefits are any kind of tangible or intangible compensation given to employees apart from base wages or base salaries. Employee benefits, refer to non-wage compensation provided to employees in addition to their regular salary or wages. These benefits are designed to enhance the overall employment experience, promote employee satisfaction, and encourage a healthy work-life balance. They play a crucial role in attracting, retaining, and motivating a talented workforce, as well as fostering a positive organisational culture.
What policies can we
offer your company's employees?

Pension funds are investment pools that pay for workers' retirements. Funds are paid for by either employee, employers, or both. There are two types of pension funds.A provident fund is the same as a pension fund, but differs in that when you resign or retire, you can take the entire sum as cash, which you’ll be taxed on. You don’t need to purchase an annuity.

Group Credit Life refers to an insurance product that provides cover for a group of individuals who have borrowed money collectively, such as members of a specific organisation, employees of a company, or participants in a financial program.

Medical aid in South Africa provides financial cover for medical expenses for members who pay a monthly contribution for this cover. These contributions are paid to medical aid schemes and are pooled and safeguarded.

Medical insurance products were introduced as a more affordable alternative. These products are governed either by short-term or long-term law, and not by medical aid regulations. They, therefore, do not have to include the prescribed set of minimum benefits and can impose different waiting-period criteria, as well as a maximum entry age limit.
We Now Offer
Earned Wage Access To Our EB Offering
Mont Blanc Financial Services is pleased to announce the inclusion of Earned Wage Access ( EWA) to the Employee Benefits offering. We have partnered with PayCurve to give your employees the financial freedom they deserve on your behalf. Offer the freedom from the cycle of debt, loan sharks and short term credit options by providing a reliable and convenient way to access their earnings without the hassle to your company wages and payroll department.
EWA is a win-win for both employers and employees. It’s a relatively new employee benefit but it is gaining traction quickly and will definitely improve your employee experience with no extra cost to your enterprise.
Boosted Employee Engagement
Financial stress can be a major factor on employee morale. EWA helps in providing immediate access to earned wages, easing financial worries and making employees feel more valued by the company. This can lead to increased loyalty, engagement and a decrease in staff turnover.
Improved Productivity & Morale
When employees are financially stressed it can be difficult for them to focus on work. EWA will alleviate this pressure, leading to better concentration, higher productivity and a more positive work environment.
Attracting & Retaining Talent
In today’s highly competitive job market, offering unique benefits like EWA can set your company apart. It demonstrates that you care for your employees’ financial well-being and it can be a deciding factor for potential hires especially for those who live from paycheque to paycheque.
Reduced Costs
EWA can potentially lead to cost savings for employers in a few ways. By reducing reliance on loans, EWA can lessen the chance of wage garnishments, which can be costly to process including what rate of interest to charge.