Mastering Contract Security
Before signing any contract, always read it thoroughly. Ensure you comprehend every term and condition, and don’t hesitate to ask questions about anything unclear, even if it seems trivial. Only agree to a contract if you fully understand and consent to all its provisions. If the contract references another document, be sure to read that document as well.
Don’t Be Afraid to Negotiate or Insist on Changes
Negotiate for terms that are necessary and beneficial to you. A well-crafted contract should clearly define the rights and obligations of all parties involved, specifying who will do what and when. For instance, if the contract involves the provision of goods or services in exchange for payment, it should detail the nature of the goods or services, the delivery schedule, and the payment terms.
If You Can’t Get Out, Don’t Get In!
Many people and businesses enter contracts based on trust, only to realise later that their trust was misplaced. A good contract should include provisions for cancellation, outlining the process and conditions under which you can exit the agreement. If the contract does not specify how to cancel it in case things go wrong, it’s wise not to sign it at all.
Understanding Legal Documents in the Insurance Industry
When seeking an insurance quote comparison, you’ll encounter several important documents. Knowing what they are and how they affect you is crucial.
Request for Information (RFI)
An RFI allows a broker to request your policy schedule and claims history. Under the Financial Advisory and Intermediary Services (FAIS) legislation, once an insurer or current broker receives an RFI, they have 48 hours to provide the enquiring broker with the necessary information. Signing an RFI does not affect your current policy or your agreement with your existing broker.
Broker's Appointment Document
This document is vital when switching insurers or brokers. It authorises the new broker to take over your policy immediately and make any necessary changes to ensure the policy aligns with your best interests. Your broker has an ethical obligation to inform you about the implications of any document you sign. Always read the fine print and ensure your broker prioritises your needs over merely securing your policy.
Caring is at the heart of Mont Blanc Financial Services. Our CEO’s philosophy rings true: "Clients don't care what you know until they know that you care." Discover our commitment, we go above and beyond to provide unparalleled service. Reach out to our committed brokers today at 0800 467 873 for a tailored quote comparison or to secure your new policy. Experience the Mont Blanc difference today.
Mont Blanc Financial Services - is an Authorised Financial Services Provider. FSP 8271